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School Profile

Central Elementary School (CES) is one of three K-5 schools in the Lowndes County Public School System.  Built in 1971, Central Elementary School has undergone several renovations in an effort to meet the needs of the students in this area.  The first major project was finished in 1989. This building included the administrative suite, library, two large classrooms, faculty lounge, restrooms and a counselor's office.  The most recent renovation was the completion of a new 20-room building, mini gym, teacher's workroom, lounge and a students' restrooms in the year 2000.

In this regard, CES is a rural and comprehensive elementary school located in the Mosses area.  Mosses is a small town located in the central part of Lowndes County.  Mosses is a rural, municipal city, governed by a mayor and a city council.  The city is composed of a community center, library, several churches of different denominations, apartments, homes, and several locally owned and operated  businesses.  In retrospect, Mosses is known as a very active and progressive small city.